In the development of technologies such as blockchain, there is internal logic, because they rely on the objective laws of physics and mathematics, but a person can control them and put them at their service. Any attempt to prohibit or stop this movement is doomed to failure.

In the development of technologies such as blockchain, there is internal logic, because they rely on the objective laws of physics and mathematics, but a person can control them and put them at their service. Any attempt to prohibit or stop this movement is doomed to failure. Why fight the objective laws of development, is it not better to try to understand them and benefit from them.
Just think: 30 years ago, in the early 1990s, the most reputable media seriously believed that the Internet would never become truly popular. The largest media experts confidently said that their audience would never want to tear themselves away from the couch and entertain themselves. What opportunities they have missed!
We have all heard the word bitcoin more than once. The most valuable thing in this cryptocurrency is that it introduced the world to the revolutionary blockchain technology. Blockchain technology significantly improves the speed, privacy, and security of sending money. For example, the same bitcoin can be sent from one person to another without an intermediary, and the identity of each participant in the chain will be encrypted in a long line of letters and numbers.
The cryptocurrency Bitcoin has gained a terrible reputation – they began to use it for anonymous transfer of money in the process of buying drugs. Skeptics say the blockchain was created to serve the drug trade and illicit trade. But is this all we need to know about this technology?
Now we can safely talk about the “blockchain revolution”. But what is the revolutionary nature of this technology? The Internet has brought us a lot of positive things: email, social networks, mobile applications, big data, cloud computing and the nascent Internet of things. But the internet is impersonal. In 1993, New York magazine published a caricature of an American artist, Peter Steiner. In the figure, two dogs are talking in front of a computer, one another says: “On the Internet, no one knows that you are a dog.” The anonymity of the Internet has brought negative effects. Hackers, spammers, cyber fraudsters have appeared. Besides, the problem of digital inequality has arisen. Economic and political benefits are becoming increasingly asymmetric. Money brings a lot more money to those who have access to technology.
The uniqueness of the #MetaHash project lies in its versatility. The main components of the network merge into a coherent single system that allows complex decentralized applications to work in real-time under high loads. Reliability and stability of the project, as well as comprehensive security and synchronization of the resources, are determined by the components of the #MetaHash system.
The first attempt to solve the problem of secure payments on the Internet was made back in the 1980s. The main drawback was that the user was forced to provide too much information about himself, besides there was always a third party, a certain intermediary. So, there was a threat of data leakage and the need to pay a commission.
To keep track of transactions and maintain the logic of operations, we resort to an intermediary represented by a bank, government, and payment system. They take a significant part of the value in the form of a commission. In a world where blockchain technology works, the trust will arise from the network itself, from the objects that created this network, and the business will become transparent. Owners of shares in a public company are now calm – the organization’s capital is implemented on blockchain technology. Smart blockchain contracts guarantee the fulfillment of obligations by the parties, and voters see if the people they voted for are honest and consistent.