Bank of Mom and Dad Offers Great Rates
Bank of Mom and Dad Offers Great Rates

Banks are criticized for inadequate loans and for making too much profit. While some of these claims are dubious, there is one bank that undeniably offers very low-interest rates with potentially high loan capacity: Mother and Father Bank.

Lending money to children, both teenagers, and adults, is a valuable way to increase family wealth, provide opportunities and avoid burdensome gift and inheritance taxes. With both interest rates and asset values ​​low, now is a good time to consider low-interest family loans.

Tax Regulations

Under the current law, 2010 does not have a land tax. However, in 2011, the release rate will return to the 2001 level of $ 1 million. So, even though inheritance tax is no longer applicable, you don’t have to rely on a tax that remains that way.

The amount that you can pass to heirs tax-free before your death is also limited. Each year, an individual …